Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Fun!

Hello everyone. Sorry that I haven't written in a few weeks. It is summer, and our schedule is thrown completely off. Of course, having a two-year old in the house means that we don't have much of a predictable schedule anyway! HA!

Summer is a great time for some light reading. I have been doing quite a bit of reading lately...on my iPhone! I never thought that I would be one to really love reading eBooks on my iPhone...but I love it. For one thing, it is easy to read on my screen, even if it is small. I was quite surprised at that. However, the best thing is that I am able to purchase a book and have it delivered to me in a matter of seconds! I don't have to order a book through the mail or have to go to the bookstore. I can get my book instantly...and it is always with me. Lisa and I are totally addicted to our iPhones....we take them everywhere with us.

Speaking of ebooks, my children's book, Pumpkin Guts, Tater Eyes, and Other Tasty Treats, is now in iTunes and is available as a download in the Apple iBookstore. I know that a lot of people have been asking me if my books are available for download, and I can now answer that they are. My book, Dark and Bloody, will be available in the Apple iBookstore soon. If you have an iPod touch or an iPhone, you can download my books through the iBook app. Check it out! I would appreciate it!

Technology is a wonderful thing. But I am still amazed at how much it has been incorporated into our daily lives. I can't make it through the day without checking my email, Twitter account, and Facebook. And just what did we do without Facebook? I keep up with so many friends and family members through it. I love being able to know what is going on in their lives and sharing my experiences with them. It keeps everyone together even when they can't be physically together. It is a great thing. And with my iPhone, I can take Facebook with me wherever I go.

In other news, this was my very first year as a dad. It was great celebrating Father's Day. My dad and I were treated to a great dinner at Buckhorn Lake Lodge. It was a great buffet. All that I can say is that the soup beans were delicious. I don't know what they do to make them taste so good....and I don't want to know. It is probably bad for me. LOL!

This summer has been great so far. Lisa and I have enjoyed being able to spend so much time with our little boy, Jacob. He is our little alarm clock. It doesn't matter what time we put him to bed.....he is awake at 7 AM. I swear he is better than any clock. That might be a good thing if the electricity goes out! LOL! He can wake us up!

We took Jacob to Virginia Beach a few weeks ago and he just loved it. He had never seen the ocean before, and the look on his face was priceless. It wasn't the "sleep in a beach recliner" sort of vacation that I am used to. It was more of the "play in the sand, splash in the ocean, repeat 100 times" sort of vacation. But it was great. I love having Jacob in our lives. He is our joy.

Jacob riding horse

Whenever people see us with Jacob, they always go on about what a lucky little boy he is to have Lisa and me as parents. What we don't tell them is that WE are the lucky ones. We have been blessed to have this sweet little boy brought into our lives. After 19 years of marriage, we were more than ready to be parents! I've always been a late bloomer though! HA!

I have been working on my next book. I hope to have it finished by the end of summer. Writing is a strange thing. Sometimes the words flow from my fingers like water. Sometimes, it is a drought! But I love writing and it will always be a part of my life. I am just glad that I am able to write this article for the paper and that you all are able to share this experience with me.

I hope that everyone is having a terrific summer. Get out and do something fun with your friends and family. Summer doesn't last forever you know! Emily Dickinson wrote,

To see the Summer Sky
Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie -
True Poems flee.

So get out and splash in the water and play in the sun! Summer is fleeting! Until next week...class dismissed!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pumpkin Guts is now available on iTunes and in the iBookStore

Starting this month, my book, Pumpkin Guts, Tater Eyes, and Other Tasty Treats, is available as an ebook download on iTunes and the iBookstore.  It can be purchased and downloaded to your computer, iPhone, or iPod touch.  Look for it in the iBookstore or iTunes today!  Thanks!