Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dragonfly Dreams, Part Fifteen

Frank Mason realized that his mouth was hanging open in shock. He quickly closed it, but he still couldn’t believe who he was seeing standing….or rather floating….in front of him. It was…

“Mr. Jones!” Frank said in awe, “How in the world?”

“Mr. Mason,” Gordon Jones smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth as he floated at least a foot off of the ground, “I realize that you weren’t expecting to see me.”

“You’ve got that right!” Frank said, staring at his boss. He hadn’t seen the man in months…but he remembered how Gordon Jones had floated in the air during his job interview. He was still amazed to see him do it.

Gordon Jones floated a little closer. “Mr. Mason,” he said, his eyes blazing at the ruins around him, “Do you remember what I said when you were hired to work for us?”

“I…I can’t…” Frank stumbled over his words. He felt thick and dumb…like he was going into a trance. How long had Gordon Jones been following him? What was going on?

“If you recall,” Gordon Jones continued, “I stated that Gaia Pharmaceutical is an international conglomerate. We have offices and people working for us all over the world. We are one of the richest companies in the world.”

Frank nodded, “Yes…I recall. And you stated that your drugs were just one small part of your success…..and that you had other projects....other areas of interest….”

“Very good Mr. Mason,” Gordon said, “And this…place…just happens to be one of those areas.”

“This place?” Frank asked, “Well…it looks quite old. This place is just ruins. Why didn’t you just come on in? Why wait until now?”

Mr. Gordon began to laugh. It was an easy laugh, but Frank sensed some tension in it. It made him uneasy to hear that laugh. It sounded strained….practiced.

“Oh Mr. Mason,” Gordon said, “You still don’t get it…do you?”

“Get what?” Frank asked, noticing that he could see the large monkey from earlier once again. It was sitting on top of its house and peeking over the edge at the two men as they talked. It was eyeing them suspiciously.

“Mr. Mason,” Gordon said, “Has anyone ever told you that you are a very special person? You have a true talent…a gift. You are a Finder.”

Frank was sure that he had heard Chuck refer to him as a Finder once. Supposedly he had a power to find things that other people couldn’t. But what did that have to do with this place? It was just a bunch of ruins in the middle of the jungle. It wasn’t exactly some deep, dark secret.

“I see that you are still confused, “ Gordon said, his feet hovering inches now above the ruins of the bricks that lay on the ground, “Let me explain. You see….this city….this temple….hasn’t been a secret to Gaia. We knew about it….at least…we knew the stories ABOUT this place. We just couldn’t FIND this place.”

“Why not?” Frank asked, looking back at the monkey again. The monkey had closed its eyes…like it was asleep. Frank guessed that it was still listening very carefully to what they were saying though.

How can a monkey listen though, he thought….that’s just crazy!

Gordon Jones continued, “You see….there is something here that Gaia Pharmaceutical would like to own…to possess. Something that would give us great power. We just couldn’t find this place because…and I know that this is going to sound insane…but this place isn’t always in the same location. It….it travels! Sometimes I don’t even think that it is on this planet.”

Frank stood stunned. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said.

Gordon Jones touched down lightly on the ground. He reached down to straighten his jacket and then looked up at Frank, “Oh I assure you….I’m not. Surely you’ve seen enough of the hidden miracles by now to know that there is more to life on this little planet than you originally thought. Life is amazing…and there are more things on this earth that you haven’t even thought of.”

“So….what is it that you are after?” Frank asked, intrigued.

“How well do you know your Bible?” Gordon asked, walking up to Frank, “Have you ever heard about the story of the Garden of Eden?”

“Well…sure,” Frank smiled, “Most kids hear it in Sunday school. It was the place where Adam and Eve lived until they messed up. Then God kicked them out.”
Gordon laughed again…that forced, strained laughter. “Something like that,” he said, “But do you remember what was in the garden?”

“I don’t know,” Frank said, looking back at the temple which rose behind him like some misplaced mountain in a sea of green jungle, “Flowers, vegetables, trees…..the usual stuff.”

“Oh yes……I’m sure that it had all of those things,” Gordon said, eyeing the temple as well, “But do you remember what else was in there….the two special trees?”
“Well….one was the Tree of Knowledge,” Frank said, “The Bible states that was how Adam and Eve sinned…..they ate of the tree and then they knew that they were naked. But I can’t recall what else…”

“Why Mr. Mason,” Gordon stated quickly, “Think again….what was God keeping them from when he kicked them out of paradise?”

And then Frank remembered. “The Tree of Life!” he said.

“That’s right Mr. Mason,” Gordon smiled a slow, lazy smile. He pointed toward the temple which lay before them, “And if Gaia’s calculations are right….we will find that tree inside this temple. And with the Tree….we will find….immortality!”

Frank couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He turned completely around and took another look at the stone temple.

“How in the world could a tree live INSIDE that thing?” he said, “It wouldn’t be able to get sunlight….air….water!”

“Well Mr. Mason,” Gordon Jones’ voice came from behind him, “This is no ordinary tree. The fruit of it will let a man live forever….and I want that fruit! I want it so bad that I will do anything to get it. Even hire a stupid idiot like yourself to find it!”

“What are you talking…” Frank turned….and froze.

His blood ran cold. Gordon Jones was pointing a gun directly toward him.
“Unfortunately,” Gordon Jones smiled, “You won’t be able to live forever. You get to die….right now!”

And then….the world turned upside down.

Until next week….class dismissed.

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