Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Visit to WLEX Channel 18

Lately I have been very blessed to have had lots of attention drawn to my latest book, Pumpkin Guts. I have had articles about it in all of the local and regional papers, including the Kentucky Mountain News. I have had my book placed in local businesses such as Jiffy Mart and in local schools where it is available for both checkout and sale. My website and blog are getting lots of hits, and my book is selling very well on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Books-A-Million. However, it is my recent trip to WLEX Channel 18 that I want to write about today.

On Thursday, April 2nd, I was invited to WLEX in order to speak about my book and about my experience of being a Kentucky author. In case you don’t remember, I had been to their station a few years ago to talk about my previous book, Nose Pickin’. I will have to say that this trip was a lot easier than my first.

First of all, I was able to find the TV station a lot easier because I had been there before. I didn’t even have to look it up on Yahoo Maps or anything. I know that I just have to go to the Wal-Mart on New Circle Road right when we get into Lexington and go right on behind it.

Second, I wasn’t as nervous this time as I was the last time. I had been there before and I sort of knew what to expect. When I walked in the front door, the receptionist greeted me and had me sign in. After I had signed in, I was greeted by the station manager and taken to the “green room.” I was surprised that the green room wasn’t green. It is just called that because it is a place to relax and calm one’s nerves before appearing on TV.

My wife Lisa was with me that day. We have been together for nearly 18 years and married for nearly 17 of those years, and we are always there for each other. Just having Lisa with me that day was a big positive. We sat and watched the noon news through the door to the main studio. It was really cool watching the news take place live while we were watching it on the little TV in the green room also.

Soon, it was time for me to be interviewed. While the viewers at home were watching commercials and community announcements, I was being led into the studio and hooked up to a microphone. Both Lee Cruse and Chris Goodman welcomed me and chatted with me before the interview. Yes…they are both just as funny off camera as they are on camera! At one point, Chris Goodman meant to tell me to just ignore the cameras but said that I should just ignore them (Lee and Chris). Lee Cruse was like, “Wait a minute. He can’t ignore us…or it won’t be much of an interview.” Those guys just cracked me up.

And then….it was magic time. The cameras were rolling and I had to speak….whether I was ready or not. Amazingly, I found that I wasn’t one little bit nervous. I felt like I was talking to old friends. I guess that it is because I watch these fellows each day on TV. When you invite them into your home all the time, people on TV start to feel like old friends.

I had a great time talking about my book and how I wrote and illustrated it. I am really very proud of my book….especially the illustrations. I hope that you have a chance to read it. I also talked about my experiences as a National Board Certified Teacher. At the last minute, I remembered to give a shout-out to all the people in Breathitt County and LBJ Elementary. Hey…I couldn’t disappoint my home county! I knew that the kids at LBJ would be watching also.

In closing, I just want to let everyone know that I will be a guest at the Mountain Showcase at Buckhorn Lake State Park on April 18th. I will be signing copies of my book. If you are in the area, please stop by and say hello. I will be more than happy to personalize a copy of Pumpkin Guts for you. I am also going to set up a booth at the Arts Fair in Jackson this year. That seems like it will be a good opportunity for many local artists and writers. In addition, I have been invited to a signing in Pikeville this summer on June 22nd. It will be held at the Pikeville Library. Once again…if you are in the area then please stop by.

I want to thank everyone for being so supportive of this writer. Because when it comes down to it….a writer isn’t worth too much if there aren't people who are willing to read what he writes. Thanks for being one of my readers. I appreciate it!

Until next week, class dismissed!

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