Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23, 2008

We took our little dog Sassy over to Dr. Holbrook’s in West Liberty this past Monday in order to have her spayed. While we were there, we also had a couple of her baby teeth pulled because they hadn’t come out on their own. To top things off, we had her nails clipped as well. The poor little thing didn’t know what to think. We have her so spoiled. But we know that spaying is the way to go. I want her to live a long and healthy life.

We have been taking our pets to Dr. Holbrook’s office for years. They have taken care of our original babies, Belle and Pepper. Both of them have left us now and are in doggie heaven. However, we have our new babies…Sadie and Sassy. Sadie was spayed at Dr. Holbrook’s a couple of years ago. Now Sassy is lying here at my feet and recuperating. She is such a little doll.

Lisa and I are still moving on up the list to adopt. The last time that we checked, we were at 239. I hope that we have moved up even more by now. I want to thank everyone who has been keeping up with our journey of love to adopt little Jacob Bryson Fugate. Remember, you can check out the latest happenings at our blog:

Speaking of blogs, I have created a blog for this article. You can find it at . I hope that you stop by and leave me a comment. I will be posting my articles online and will also add other content as well. Who knows what you will find!

We had our 100th day of school the other day in Breathitt County. It was so cool to see the kids celebrating with strings of 100 pieces of cereal. They make a great necklace! I also saw kids taking 100 steps down the hall, counting to 100, and wearing hats with the number 100 on them. It is so cool that the kids were really psyched about the 100th day of school. It is great when kids love school.

Speaking of celebrations, this last weekend Lisa and I went to Cincinnati with our good friends, Rod and Corrinna Middleton. We spent the weekend shopping and eating out at restaurants. We ate at one place that had a great seafood buffet. It was great. We had fried oysters, salmon, cod, oysters on the half shell, crab legs, and peel and eat shrimp. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE peel and eat shrimp. I especially love it when they are already peeled. Then all you have to do is EAT them! LOL!

Lisa and I found some great baby clothes at Burlington Coat Factory. They had some great sale prices. We also bought some stuff to take with us to Vietnam and donate to the orphanage. Our plan is to purchase a duffle bag and fill it with baby clothes and supplies. When it is full, we will know that we have a good amount to donate. We are just going to donate the whole duffle bag and everything. That will leave us lots of room to bring back souvenirs from Vietnam so that Jacob can have some articles from his culture. We know that he will be raised in our East Kentucky culture, but we want him to have some things from Vietnam as well.

Well, Sassy just ran up the stairs. I guess that she is feeling a little better from her surgery. I had better go and see what she is getting into! Until next week….class dismissed!

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