Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Giving…and Oyster Stuffing

As Christmas gets closer and closer, I am reminded about how much our priorities change as we age. We go from thinking only of ourselves to thinking of others. We go from a more selfish point-of-view to a point of view where we are considering the thoughts and feelings of the people around us. As we grow and change, we realize that we are not center of the universe and that others matter as well.

When I was a child, Christmas was all about the presents. I loved Christmas because it was a time that I was able to get new toys and lots of candy, fruit, and other good things to eat. My mom always made the best turkey and oyster stuffing. We only got turkey and oyster stuffing on Christmas, so it was something that was a real treat. I remember waking up early on Christmas morning and having the house smell so good from all the celery and onions that were already being chopped up in preparation for the Christmas feast.

As I got older and moved out of the house, Christmas was a time to come home from college and have a much needed break from my studies. I treasured this time with my mom and dad because I didn't get to see them very much. I was too busy with classes and friends at that time. However, Christmas was always a time when things slowed down and I could come home to spend time with my parents. As an only child, we didn't have those big family Christmases that you see on television. It was a simple matter. However, we had (and still have) as much love as a family of 1000! It was so nice to get to come home for a while. You don't appreciate your mom's home-cooking until you have been eating food at college for a while!

After I married Lisa and we moved away, Christmas grew for me. Up until that time, Christmas was just about me and my parents. When Lisa and I got married, the Christmas holidays also included my lovely wife and her family. It was cool to see new traditions and celebrate the holidays with new people as well. I loved Lisa's family and their Christmas celebrations because they were now my family as well. This started our tradition of spending time with Lisa's family on Christmas Eve and my family on Christmas day. I still had to get home to that famous turkey with oyster stuffing!

After 19 years of marriage (going on a lovely 20!), Lisa and I find ourselves in a new role. We are now Mommy and Daddy to a lively 2 year (going on 3 year!) old little boy. Now Christmas has taken on a new meaning for us. My greatest Christmas gift this year has been making this holiday season as magical as I can make it for my son, Jacob. We have been reading Christmas stories, watching Christmas DVD's, and visiting the stores to see what Santa can bring him on Christmas morning.

This past weekend, we traveled around to various places.....and wouldn't you know it.....we ended up seeing Santa THREE different times! First, we saw Santa at True Value right here in Jackson. Of course, Jacob had to sit on Santa's lap and have his picture taken while he told Santa not to forget his guitar on Christmas morning. After that, we saw Santa again in Meijer's at Hamburg in Lexington. Jacob ran up to the old man with all the toys and once again had his picture made with him. He told Santa to bring him a guitar. He just wanted to make sure that he didn't forget.

Finally, we enjoyed the Southern Lights display at the Kentucky Horse Park. For those of you who have never been, this is a wonderful Christmas display of lights and music. You drive through the Horse Park and enjoy scenes such as the 12 Days of Christmas, Winter Villages, and even a dragon! Afterwards, you go to the Visitor's Center to see holiday crafts, shows, guessed it...Santa! We had to see Santa one last time. And of course....Jacob once again told Santa to bring him a guitar. I guess that Jacob thought that Santa really traveled around on that day! LOL!

Jacob and Hailey with Santa

So as we get closer to the holiday, I just want to say that for me, Christmas is all about bringing joy to my little boy and to my family. I just want them to have the happiest holiday of all. For isn't about the gifts and the "trappings" of the season. It is about the giving.

Of course, I am still looking forward to Mom's turkey and oyster stuffing!

Until next week....class dismissed!

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